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Buy Absinth Red Online

red absinthe buy online purchase asbinthSpice up your Absinthe collection or experience with something a little different; an eye-catching red version our standard recipe. It makes a unique addition to any collection at home, in a bar, or at a party. Quite popular amongst the young and energetic looking for something new, 60% alcohol, 10mg thujone, and flaming devil red.

Manufactured according Deep red in color this Absinthe screams sex appeal and offers a hint of cinnamon for flavor.Absinth Red is a great cocktail to be enjoyed with friends after dark as it offers a hint of cinnamon in every sip.
absinthe pricesA074 Red Absinthe .04 litre bottle $12.89
absinthe pricesA075 Red Absinthe .2 litre bottle $27.99
absinthe pricesA076 Red Absinthe .5 litre bottle $58.00

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