Although wormwood is the second bitterest herb existing to man, it is regularly used to flavor many beverages. Wormwood is frequently used by brewers in place of hops because wormwood leaves resist putrefaction. Wormwood is also used to flavor various specialty liqueurs, such as Vermouth, Campari and Absinthe.
Wormwood is a bitter herb that is toxic if ingested in large quantities. Despite this, wormwood has been utilized for numerous purposes throughout history. Because of wormwood’s unique properties, its scope ranges from medicinal to agricultural domains. As the name implies, it was previously used as a dewormer for people and animals but was also used to treat other ailments, such as fevers and infections. Wormwood was also useful for counteracting the poisons of hemlock, toadstools and sea dragons. Wormwood was also applied externally to soothe bruises, bites and sprains. More recently, wormwood has been used to treat anorexia nervosa patients because chewing on wormwood stimulates the appetite. Wormwood has also been used in agriculture because its insecticidal properties repel pests, such as moths, fleas, slugs and snails.
There are a few reasons wormwood is considered toxic at high levels. Wormwood leaves contain a substance called santonin which causes vertigo and delusion at high doses. Wormwood also contains a compound called thujone which has a unique effect on the human body. Thujone serves as a depressant and stimulant simultaneously. Thujone depresses the central medullar part of the brain and relieves pain and anxiety but it also stimulates the cardiac system. At high doses thujone is toxic to the brain and liver. However, the amounts present in absinthe are not enough to cause any concern.